About Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

We Are Your Favourite, Candy shop.

Dui habitasse provident eu etiam praesent placeat maiores temporibus, accumsan parturient autem, mi animi ipsa. Lobortis maxime quos, pellentesq.

Ee platea animi commodo tincidunt ridiculus tempora, ornare lorem quam sit possimus? Quam cras facilisi officia fusce. Ac, excepteur excepteur fusce? Sunt minim expedita magnis!

Eros Imperdie

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Rerum Rutrum

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Proident Congu

We’ll generate a sitemap for your site, submit it to search engine is and track.

Vero Maecenas

We’ll generate a sitemap for your site, submit it to search engine is and track.

Do not wait any longer, try today our deliciousness!

Meet Our Kitchen Masters

Amanda Lee

Creative Head

Lee Stoner

Marketing Head

Monica Gala

Graphic Designer

Best Quality and great flavor in every bite!

Have you ever dreamt of a special cookie or marshmallow flavor? Send us a message and we will try to make it possible.

Lovingly made in our kitchen, we ensure quality by making small batches everyday. There are always warm cookies in the oven.

If you are looking for a gift for your colleagues, or a candy table for your event, please send us a message to discuss the possibilities.

Fast shipping

Currently shipping to everywhere in The Netherlands - Expanding to the rest of Europe soon

Best Quality

Small batches to ensure quality and homie flavor.


Special prices for your corporate and social events

Secure Payments

Secure payment via iDeal, credit cards and more.

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